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Challenge 12:

How 2 Accept the Challenge 2 Be a CHAMP10N 4 What Matters 2 You



H= Heart

A= Atnd

N= Next Dream

G = Grow

E= Everyday

  • My Want

  • My Why

  • My What

  • My When

  • My Commitment

  • My Celebration

  • My Support Team

  • My New Thinking

  • My New Skills

  • My New Hope


Challenge 9:

Support Teams


C= Connect 

H= Help

A= Anyone

N= Needing

G = Gift of Hope

E= Everyday

  • Did you have a support team to help you get through change?

  • What would you say to those who think they must go for it alone? Or those who think it is a weakness to get support?

  • Who were the people that supported you going through change? 

  • How did that affect the change you wanted to go for? 

  • How have other people impacted your desire to change? 

  • What would you say to other people about a support team for change?

Challenge 6:

How 2 Go From Grief 2 Growth


C= C It 2 B It

H= Hold On 2 What Matters 

A= Always

N= Know Your Value

G= Gain Clarity

E= Everyday

  • Can you share a time where grief forced you to change? 

  • How can you be a CHAMP10N 4 U when going through grief? 

  • How was grief a great teacher? 

  • Can you share how going through grief has helped you grow and change? 

  • What are your thoughts and beliefs about grief since training for your life? 

  • What would you tell others about grief and being a CHAMP10N 4 U?

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Challenge 11:

How 2 Win Your Day?

Define and Develop


C= Compete 4 U

H= Hard Work Wins

A= Attention 2 Details

N= Know What Matters 2 U

G = Gain Greatness and Grace

E= Everyday

  • What does it mean to be a Life Athlete training for your life? How do you define winning in life? How have you done things your way? What have you learned about doing things your way? What have been the biggest obstacles/rewards to winning your way? What happens to someone when they try to do it their way? How does society/family/friends/ workplace play a role in our ability to change?


Challenge 8:

How 2 Go From Struggle 2 Strength


C= Celebrate 

H= Have Fun

A= Add

N= New Joy

G = Go. Get. Give. What Matters 2 You

E= Everyday

  • How does a willingness to struggle play a role in going for change? 

  • What role does failure play in going for change?

  • What have you learned from failure and struggle? 

  • How did you use your struggle to be a CHAMP10N and go for change? 

  • How did your struggle affect your desire to change?

Challenge 5:

How 2 Navigate Life TRANSIT10NS


C= Courage

H= Hero

A= Authentic

N= New Hope

G= Gratitude

E= Everyday

  • Have you ever had a losing season in life, a time when nothing seemed to be going well, maybe a professional setback or a personal time that was challenging? 

  • What happened?  

  • What was the New Thinking or New Skill/s that helped you to move forward? 

  • What would you say to someone else experiencing a setback?

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Challenge 10:

Seasons 4 Change –

Small Challenges As

Winning Strategies 4 Change


C= Character Code 

H= Humble

A= Attitude

N= Know What You Stand 4 and Why

G = Give. Receive. Be Love

E= Everyday

  • Have you ever done a short-term challenge (5 days, 15, 30, etc)?

  • What did you do?  What was the experience like?

  • How did you prepare to win?

  • What were your winning strategies for success? 

  • Why do you think short-term challenges are effective? 

  • What would you tell others that want to start?

  • How has going for one change, caused a ripple effect of change?

Challenge 7:

How 2 Go From Discouraged 2 DETERMINAT10N


C= Communicate

H= Habits

A= Affirmations

N= Now

G= Gain Confidence

E= Everyday

  • Were there times when you wanted to quit or felt defeated and wanted to give up going for it?

  • What happened?

  • Who gave you hope to keep going? 

  • What kept you in the game of life? 

  • Have you faced opposition in going for change?

  • How did that affect you?


Challenge 4: How 2 Challenge 2 Change


C= Coachable

H= Happy Heart


N= New Skills

G= Go 4 It

E= Everyday

  • What would you tell people who say change is too hard?  

  • What do you say when people say they can’t change? 

  • How can you give hope to those people who are afraid they can’t change? 

  • Do you think change is in your control?  

  • What made you change?  

  • How did you change?  

  • How do we change the idea of change? 

  • How can we rethink change?


Challenge 3: Where 2 Begin


C= Care

H= Hope

A= Adjust

N= New Thinking

G= Give Yourself Grace

E= Everyday

  • Did you have a defining moment in your life where you knew you wanted to go for change? 

  • Did you choose to change or did it choose you? 

  • If you chose it, what was it and why?  If it chose you, how did you get respond/react to it? 

  • What were the first steps you took to go for change?

  • What have been your winning strategies to get through it?

  • Who gave you Hope when going for/going through change? 

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Challenge 2: CHAMP10N Mindset and the Heart of a CHAMP10N


C= Challenge 

H= How

A= Adversity

N= Needs

G= Growth Mindset

E= Everyday

  • What does it mean to you to be a CHAMP10N in your life?

  • When have you been a CHAMP10N 4 U?  

  • What did you take on for change?  Why was that important to you? 

  • What were your winning strategies?   

  • How can you be a CHAMP10N 4 what you want?  What are the challenges in going for what you want?  What are some of the obstacles you faced going for what you want? 

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Challenge 1: How 2 Become a CHAMP10N 4 U


= Commit 2 What Matters 2 You

H = Honor You

A = Ask 4 Support 

N = No = New Way

G = Go Forward

E = Everyday

  • Have you ever felt guilty going for the things that matter to you? 

  • How did it feel when you chose you? 

  • What happens when you realize that you matter? 

  • How do you handle saying NO to others to say YES to you? 

  • What happens when we make ourselves a priority? 

  • How are you a CHAMP10N 4 u?  How do you define winning in life?

  • What beliefs about yourself might you have to change to become a CHAMP10N 4 U?

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CHAMP10N Challenge-

10 Talks with

Sara Shepard,

COO and Partner for

StringCan Interactive 

a digital marketing firm



Sara, Jane and Carlette

discuss the

CHAMP10N Challenge

and How 2 go from Grief 2 Growth


How 2 Go From Grief 2 Growth. Listen as Sara shares the Power of Her Story and how our Sports Life Coaching® tools have helped her to be a CHAMP10N for her. Using the Grief Tool, The Power of Team, and 10 Moments & Stats, Sara has been able to go for building a 10 life and finding what matters to her.


  • Can you share a time where grief forced you to change? 

  • How can you be a CHAMP10N 4 U when going through grief? 

  • How was grief a great teacher? 

  • Can you share how going through grief has helped you grow and change? 

  • What are your thoughts and beliefs about grief since training for your life? 

  • What would you tell others about grief and being a CHAMP10N 4 U?



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CHAMP10N Challenge-

10 Talks with

Jane Cebrynski

Certified Sports Life Coach® and Chief Wellbeing Officer®


Jane and Carlette discuss the

CHAMP10N Challenge

and How 2 Find What Matters

2 You.


How can you be a CHAMP10N

4 You and What Matters 2 You?

  • We want you to Get Coached and give you the gift of 30 Day Seasons to be able to celebrate the short term wins.

  • Join us in the Preseason of December before the New Year begins and we go along the journey of creating a 10 Life with our 12 challenges.

  • These are 30 Day Seasons that have a beginning and an end date to go for this change and what matters to you.

  • Take it one week or even one day at a time and be a CHAMP10N for yourself. 



©2020 by CHAMP10N Wellbeing® 

© 2020 by Patterson Sports Ventures

All rights reserved.  No portion of this content or graphics may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other – except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

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